Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Alarm Indicator Functions > AlarmIndicatorSetFlagLocation


Sets the position of the Alarm Indicator Flag.




Flag can be positioned at the following points around the border:

0 - Top Left

1 - Center Left

2 - Bottom Left

3 - Top Center

4 - Bottom Center

5 - Top Right

6 - Center Right

7 - Bottom Right

Return Value

Note: For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

Related Functions

AlarmIndicatorGetBorderIsInside, AlarmIndicatorGetBorderPadding, AlarmIndicatorGetBorderWidth, AlarmIndicatorGetEnabled, AlarmIndicatorGetEquipHierarchy, AlarmIndicatorGetExpr, AlarmIndicatorGetFlagEnabled, AlarmIndicatorGetFlagLocation, AlarmIndicatorGetFrameColour, AlarmIndicatorGetInclude, AlarmIndicatorSetBorderIsInside, AlarmIndicatorSetBorderPadding, AlarmIndicatorSetBorderWidth, AlarmIndicatorSetEnabled, AlarmIndicatorSetEquipHierarchy, AlarmIndicatorSetExpr, AlarmIndicatorSetFlagEnabled, AlarmIndicatorSetFrameColor, AlarmIndicatorSetInclude


gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetEnabled = true;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetExpr = "C1.Motor1";
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetEquipHierarchy = 0;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetBorderIsInside = false;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetBorderWidth = 2;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetFrameColour = 0x80AAD5;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetBorderPadding = 5;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetInclude = true;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetFlagEnabled = true;
gb2.AlarmIndicatorSetFlagLocation = 3;

Published June 2018