Getting Started > What's New > What's New - Previous Releases > Cicode Functions

Cicode Functions in 7.20

Some Cicode functions have been introduced, modified, deprecated or removed. The following sections detail the changes made to these functions:

New Functions

Alarm Functions

AlarmCatGetFormat Returns the display format string of the specified alarm category.
AlarmDspClusterAdd Adds a cluster to a client's alarm list.
AlarmDspClusterInUse Determines if a cluster is included in a client's alarm list.
AlarmDspClusterRemove Removes a cluster from a client's alarm list.

Display Functions

DspAnGetMetadata Retrieves the field value of the specified metadata entry.
DspAnGetMetadataAt Retrieves metadata information at the specified index.
DspAnSetMetadata Non-blocking function, that sets the value of the specified metadata entry.
DspAnSetMetadataAt Sets the value of a metadata entry.
DspPopupConfigMenu Displays the contents of a menu node as a pop-up (context) menu, and run the command associated with the selected menu item.

Format Functions

FmtGetFieldCount Retrieves the number of fields in a format object.
FmtGetFieldName Retrieves the name of a particular field in a format object.
FmtGetFieldWidth Retrieves the width of a particular field in a format object.

Menu Functions

MenuGetChild Returns the handle to the child node with the specified name.
MenuGetFirstChild Returns the handle to the first child of a menu node.
MenuGetGenericNode Returns the root node of the default menu tree.
MenuGetNextChild Returns the next node that shares the same parent.
MenuGetPageNode Returns the Base menu node of a specific page.
MenuGetParent Returns the parent node of the menu item.
MenuGetPrevChild Returns the previous node that shares the same parent.
MenuGetWindowNode Returns the handle of the root menu node for a given window.
MenuNodeAddChild Dynamically adds a new item to the menu at runtime.
MenuNodeGetProperty Return the item value of the specified menu node.
MenuNodeHasCommand Checks whether the menu node has a valid Cicode command associated with it.
MenuNodeIsDisabled Checks whether the menu node is disabled by evaluating its DisabledWhen Cicode expression.
MenuNodeIsHidden Checks whether the menu node is hidden by evaluating its HiddenWhen Cicode expression.
MenuNodeRemove Remove the menu node from the menu tree.
MenuNodeRunCommand Run the associated command for a menu node.
MenuNodeSetDisabledWhen Set the DisabledWhen expression for a newly added node.
MenuNodeSetHiddenWhen Set the HiddenWhen expression for a newly added node.
MenuNodeSetProperty Set the item value of the specified menu node.
MenuReload Reload base Menu Configuration from the compiled database.

Miscellaneous Functions

GetLogging Gets the current value for one or more logging parameters.
SetLogging Adjusts logging parameters while online.
ProductInfo Returns information about the Citect SCADA product.
ProjectInfo Returns information about a particular project, which is identified by a project enumerated number.

Page Functions

PageBack Displays the previously displayed page in the Window.
PageForward PageForward() restores the previously displayed page in the window following a PageBack command.
PageHistoryDspMenu Displays a pop-up menu which lists the page history of current window.
PageHistoryEmpty Returns whether page history of the current window is empty.
PageHome Displays the predefined home page in the window.
PagePeekCurrent Return the index in the page stack for the current page.
PageProcessAnalyst Displays a Process Analyst page (in the same window) preloaded with the pre-defined Process Analyst View (PAV) file.
PageProcessAnalystPens Displays a Process Analyst page (in the same window) preloaded with the pre-defined Process Analyst View (PAV) file and specified trend or variable tags.
PageRecall Displays the page at a specified depth in the stack of previously displayed pages.
PageTask Used for running preliminary Cicode before displaying a page in a window.
PageTransformCoords Converts Page coordinates to absolute screen coordinates.

Process Analyst Functions

ProcessAnalystLoadFile Loads the specified PAV file to a Process Analyst object, which is identified by parameter ObjName.
ProcessAnalystPopup Displays a Process Analyst page (in the same window) preloaded with the pre-defined Process Analyst View (PAV) file and specified trend or variable tags.
ProcessAnalystSelect Allows a set of pens to be selected before displaying the PA page.
ProcessAnalystSetPen Allows a new pen to be added to a PA display.
ProcessAnalystWin Displays a Process Analyst page (in a new window) preloaded with the pre-defined Process Analyst View (PAV) file.

Quality Functions

QualityCreate Creates a quality value based on the quality fields provided.
QualityGetPart Extracts a requested part of the Quality value from the QUALITY variable.
QualityIsBad Returns a value indicating whether the quality is bad.
QualityIsGood Returns a value indicating whether the quality is good.
QualityIsUncertain Returns a value indicating whether the quality is uncertain.
QualitySetPart Sets a Quality part’s value to the QUALITY variable.
QualityToStr Returns a textual representation of the Citect SCADA quality.
QualityIsOverride Returns a value indicating whether the tag is in Override Mode.
QualityIsControlInhibit Returns a value indicating whether the tag is in Control inhibit mode.
VariableQuality Extracts the quality from a given variable.

Server Functions

ServerBrowseClose This function terminates an active data browse session and cleans up resources associated with the session.
ServerBrowseFirst This function places the data browse cursor at the first record.
ServerBrowseGetField This function retrieves the value of the specified field from the record the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
ServerBrowseNext This function moves the data browse cursor forward one record.
ServerBrowseNumRecords This function returns the number of records that match the filter criteria.
ServerBrowseOpen This function initiates a new browse session and returns a handle to the new session that can be used in subsequent data browse function calls.
ServerBrowsePrev This function moves the data browse cursor back one record.
ServerGetProperty This function returns information about a specified server and can be called from any client.
ServerReload This function reloads the server specified by cluster and server name.
ServerIsOnline This function checks if the given server can be contacted by the client for giving the online/offline status of the server.

String Functions

StrCalcWidth Retrieves the pixel width of a string using a particular font.
StrTruncFont Returns the truncated string using a particular font (specified by name) or the specified number of characters.
StrTruncFontHnd Returns the truncated string using a particular font (specified by font number) or the specified number of characters.

Super Genie Functions

AssMetadata Performs Super Genie associations using the "Name" and "Value" fields.
AssMetadataPage Uses the metadata information from the current animation point for the page associations for a new Super Genie page, and displays the new Super Genie in the current page.
AssMetadataPopup Uses the metadata information from the current animation point for the associations for a new Super Genie page, and displays the new Super Genie in a new pop up window.
AssMetadataWin Uses the metadata information from the current animation point for the associations for a new Super Genie page, and displays the new Super Genie in a new window.

Tag Functions

SubscriptionGetInfo Reads the specified text information about a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetQuality Reads quality of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetTag Reads a value, quality and timestamps of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetTimestamp Reads the specified timestamp of a subscribed tag.
SubscriptionGetValue Reads a value of a subscribed tag.
TagSetOverrideBad Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Bad Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideGood Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Good Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideUncertain Sets a quality Override element for a specified tag to Uncertain Non Specific.
TagSetOverrideQuality Sets a quality of Override element for a specified tag.

Task Functions

TaskCall Calls a Cicode function by specifying the function name and providing an arguments string.

Timestamp Functions

TimestampToStr Converts a TIMESTAMP variable into a string.
TimestampDifference Returns a difference between two TIMESTAMP variables as a number of milliseconds.
TimestampCreate Returns a timestamp variable created from the parts.
TimestampFormat Format a TIMESTAMP variable into a string.
TimestampGetPart Returns one part (year, month, day, etc) of the timestamp variable.
TimestampToTimeInt Converts a TIMETSTAMP variable into a time INTEGER which is represented as a number of seconds since 01/01/1970.
TimeIntTo Timestamp Converts a time INTEGER which is represented as a number of seconds since 01/01/1970 to a TIMETSTAMP
TimestampCurrent Returns the current system date and time as a TIMESTAMP variable.
TimestampAdd Adds time (in milliseconds) to a TIMESTAMP variable.
TimestampSub Subtracts time (in milliseconds) from a TIMESTAMP variable.
VariableTimestamp Extract the TIMESTAMP from a given variable.

Window Functions

MultiMonitorStart Displays a Citect SCADA window on each of the configured monitors when a display client starts up.
WinSetName Associates a name with a particular window by its window number.
WndMonitorInfo Returns information about a particular monitor.

Modified Functions

Accumulator Functions

AccumBrowseOpen Opens an accumulator browse session.

Alarm Functions

AlarmDsp Displays alarms.


Displays the latest, unacknowledged alarms.
AlmSummaryOpen Opens an alarm summary browse session.
AlmTagsOpen Opens an alarm tags browse session.

Display Functions

DspStr Displays a string at an AN.
DspText Displays text at an AN.

Format Functions

FmtOpen Creates a format template.

Miscellaneous Functions

Shutdown EndsCitect SCADA operation.

Page Functions

PageGetInt Gets a local page-based integer.
PageGetStr Gets a local page-based string.
PageInfo Gets information about the current page.
PagePeekLast Gets any page on the PageLast stack.
PageSetInt Stores a local page-based integer.
PagesetStr Stores a local page-based string.

Security Functions

Login Logs an operator into the Citect SCADA system. Not available when logged in as Windows user.

Super Genie Functions

The following functions were updated to accept string identifiers for substitution parameters.

Ass Associates a variable tag with a Super Genie.
AssGetProperty Retrieves association information about the current Super Genie from the datasource.
AssGetScale Gets scale information about the associations of the current Super Genie from the datasource (that is scale information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie)
AssInfo Gets association information about the current Super Genie (that is information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie).
AssInfoEx Retrieves association information about the current Super Genie (that is information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie).
AssScaleStr Gets scale information about the associations of the current Super Genie (that is scale information about a variable tag that has been substituted into the Super Genie).

Tag Functions

SubscriptionGetAttribute Reads an attribute value of a tag subscription.
TagRead Reads the value of a particular tag element.
TagWrite Writes a tag element value for the tag elements which have read/write access.
TagSubscribe Subscribes to a particular tag element.

Window Functions

WinNumber Gets the window number of the active Citect SCADA window.
WndInfo Gets the Windows system metrics information.

Reinstated Functions

Following functions have been reinstated for 7.20.

Time and Date Functions

TimeSet Sets the new system time. Requires UAC to be disabled in order for the time to be set.

Published June 2018