The CtAPI (Citect SCADA API) allows access to Citect SCADA I/O variable tags via a DLL interface. This allows 3rd party developers to create applications in C ( or other languages) to read and write to the I/O Devices, to use data query and to call Cicode functions.
Note: To use CtAPI to connect to a legacy Citect SCADA system, user needs to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86 or x64 as per your target platform) installed on the machine. Installer can be found at \Citect SCADA<version>\Citect\ISSetupPrerequisites\Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 C++ Redistributable\ on the installation media.
Note: To use CtAPI to connect to Citect SCADA 2015 System or higher, user needs to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86 or x64 as per your target platform) and .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed on the machine.
Building Applications
To build CtAPI client applications, you need runtime binaries, a DLL helper static library (ctapi.lib) and a header file (ctapi.h) that defines data structures and function prototypes and configure your project to use these files following these steps:
Note: Detailed procedure may differ as per your development environment. Contact your system administrator or system provider of your environment for detailed information.
Using the CTAPI on a remote computer
To use the CTAPI on a remote computer without installing Citect SCADA, you will need to copy the following files from the [bin] directory for x86 binaries or from [bin]\Bin (x64)\ directory for x64 binaries to your remote computer:
These files need to be copied into the same folder as your application.
Note: CTUTILMANAGEDHELPER.dll is a new dll added in v2015. If using CTAPI to connect to a legacy Citect SCADA system (e.g. v7.40), this dll is not required.
.Net Framework Requirements
The following needs to be installed on remote CTAPI Clients:
.NET 4.5.1 (see supported OS here:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) - 11.0.60610
See Also
Published June 2018