Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Object Drawing and Property Functions > DrawNumber


Places a number object on the page at the specified location.


DrawNumber(XPosition, YPosition)


Distance in pixels from the left of the page to the point where you would like the number object to be placed.


Distance in pixels from the top of the page to the point where you would like the number object to be placed.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.

Note: For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

Related Functions

DrawLine, DrawEllipse, DrawRectangle, DrawPolygonStart, DrawPolygonLine, DrawPolygonEnd, DrawPipeStart, DrawPipeSection, DrawPipeEnd, DrawText, DrawButton, DrawSymbolSet, DrawTrend, DrawCicodeObject


GraphicsBuilder.DrawNumber 500, 100

Published June 2018