The Citect SCADA SQL devices and Cicode functions only work if the database driver supports the following ODBC functions:
Level 0 |
Level 1 |
SQLAllocConnect |
SQLColumns |
SQLAllocEnv |
SQLDriverConnect |
SQLAllocStmt |
SQLGetData |
SQLBindCol |
SQLGetFunctions |
SQLColAttributes |
SQLGetInfo |
SQLDescribeCol |
SQLGetTypeInfo |
SQLDosconnect |
SQLParamData |
SQLError |
SQLPutData |
SQLExecDirect |
SQLSetConnectOption |
SQLExecute |
SQLSetStmtOption |
SQLFetch |
SQLFreeStmt |
SQLGetCursorName |
SQLNumResultCols |
SQLPrepare |
SQLRowCount |
SQLSetParam |
Published June 2018