Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Graphics Builder Automation Events Functions | Extensibility

Events Functions

The following events use the automation Idispatch mechanism to fire events in specific situations.


This event is fired if a missing link is encountered while executing the functions ProjectUpdatePages() or PageOpen(). Details of the missing object are provided through the parameters Project, Library, Object, GenieOrSymbol.


When the LibrarySelectionHooksEnabled() attribute is set to TRUE, this event is fired when: the paste Genie menu item is selected; the paste genie toolbar button is pressed; or F11 is pressed.


When the LibrarySelectionHooksEnabled() attribute is set to TRUE, this event is fired when the paste symbol menu item is selected, the paste symbol toolbar button is pressed, or F6 is pressed.


This event is fired whenever a new project is selected in Citect Studio.


When SelectionEventEnabled() is set to TRUE, this event is fired every time a selection is made within a graphics page. The dimension of the selection rectangle is passed as parameters.


When the LibrarySelectionHooksEnabled() attribute is set to TRUE, this event is fired when pressing the CTRL+SHIFT keys and double-clicking on the object in the graphics page.

Note: For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

See Also

Published June 2018