Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Graphics Builder Automation Interface - Library Object Functions | Extensibility

Library Object Functions

With Library Object functions you can use and manipulate the objects stored in libraries in your project. This includes such objects as Genies, Super Genies, Symbols, and so on.

LibraryFirstObject Returns the name of the first library object.
LibraryNextObject Returns the name of the next library object when following a call of the function LibraryFirstObject.


Returns the name and value of the active Genie's first property.


Returns the name and value of a specified Genie's first property.


Retrieves the hotspot marker in a Genie or symbol page.


Positions the hotspot marker in a Genie or symbol page.


Returns the name of the selected object.


Returns the name and value of the active Genie's "next" property when implemented following a call of the function LibraryObjectFirstProperty.


Returns the name and value of the "next" property of the Genie specified by the implementation of LibraryObjectFirstPropertyEx.


Places a library object (a symbol or genie) on the active Citect SCADA graphics page at the default location (top left corner).


Places a library object (a symbol or genie) on the active Citect SCADA graphics page at the specified location.


Sets the value of a specified property for the active genie.


Writing a TRUE value with this function enables library selection hooks. When enabled, selecting Paste Genie or Paste Symbol (or their equivalent function key of toolbar button) will not show the standard selection dialog, but will fire the automation event PasteSymbol or PasteGenie instead.


Shows either the paste Genie or Paste Symbol dialog.

For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

See Also

Published June 2018