Topology > I/O Devices > Import Variable Tags from an External Data Source > OPC Factory Server (OFS) Tag Import | Topology

OPC Factory Server (OFS) Tag Import

Citect SCADA can now import tags from the OPC Factory Server. For Database Type, choose the "Unity SpeedLink via OFS" option and then click the Browse button to specify the location of the database. In the OPC Data Access Server Parameters dialog that is displayed, you can browse the OFS servers installed on the PC and select tags to be imported into Citect SCADA.

There are some limitations and things be aware of when importing tags from OFS. See OFS Tag Import Limitations for more information.

Note: There are two modes that can be used on the OPC Factory Server when importing tags; device mode and OFS simulator mode. If device mode is used, the time taken to import tags is increased significantly. This is because for each tag requested by Citect SCADA the OPC Factory Server needs to verify the item from the device. OFS simulator mode is recommended.

Machine Name

The location of the OPC Factory Server which can be an IP address or a UNC path. Leave blank to select the local machine.

Select Server and Branch to Import

Displays the OPC Factory Servers on the network that are running the OPC Factory Server application, and the hierarchical database node structure for each.

Select a group of tags to import from an available database. OPC data can be either a tree (hierarchical) or a flat structure. The Citect SCADA OPC driver supports access to both types of storage. If the data is in a tree structure, it can be accessed to the first branch level down from the root node. Deeper levels of branching may be supported in the future.

Note: The authentication values needs to be valid for read/write access, as assigned by the appropriate database administrator.

Tag Gen Configuration Enable

Enable this to automatically generate tags from the variable Tags database. Tags are created using rules specified in the XML template file.

Configured Template is Saved as

Filename of the Tag Gen XML Template file that specifies the rules for generating tags. Click Configure to select and configure the XML file. See Additional Tag Generation Configuration.

Log File Path

The path name for log files generated during the import or export process.

Log Level

The level of detail necessary in the import or export logs.

Log Pool Size

Specifies the maximum number of log files for the given device.

Published June 2018