Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Options Functions > OptionDisplayPropertiesOnNew


Simulates the option available on the Graphics Builder Tools menu that automatically shows the properties for a new object when inserted. You can use this function to set this option, or you can retrieve its current setting.




TRUE activates the option, FALSE deactivates the option.

Return Value

If retrieving the current setting, TRUE or FALSE. If enabling or disabling the option, 0 (zero) if successful. In both cases, an error is returned if unsuccessful.

Note: For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

Related Functions

OptionSnapToGrid, OptionSnapToGuidelines

Note: This function is implemented in the C++ environment as two separate functions: put_OptionDisplayPropertiesOnNew enables or disables this option, and get_OptionDisplayPropertiesOnNew retrieves the current option setting.

Published June 2018