Topology > I/O Devices > Import Variable Tags from an External Data Source > Pattern Matching
Pattern matching

The following wildcards can be used in strings




Matches any string in the input data stream


Matches any single character in the data stream


Matches any decimal integer (nnn... where n is 0-9) in the data stream


Matches any octal number (0onnn... where n is 0-7) in the data stream


Matches any hexadecimal number (0xnnn... where n is 0-9, A-F or a-f) in the data stream


Matches any string in the data stream (same as *)


Begin a token string. The characters between { and } in the Input Pattern (including regular and special characters) represent a "token string". The characters in the data stream that match this token string are a token, and can be referenced by the Output Data String, and written directly to the output database as a group


End of a token string


Treat the following character as a literal. For example, if a literal `*' character was expected in the input data stream, you would use \* to denote this. If a literal backslash \ is expected, use \\.

Published June 2018