System Projects Reference > The Library Controls Include Project > Use the Library Controls > SQL Table Library Control
SQL Table Library Control

Tag table genie has the following parameters:



SQL Table Name

Name of table (max characters). Used to identify the genie when on a graphics page


Pixel width of the table at runtime.

Note: Leave the size of the genie at design time as 100 pixels, as it will be automatically calculated at runtime.

Number of rows

Number of rows displayed on the page.

Header Height

Pixel Height of header row in table display.

Row Height

Pixel height of row in the table display.

Header Padding

The pixel padding between the bottom of the header text (column name) and the bottom of the header row

Row Padding

The pixel padding between the bottom of the cell text and the bottom of each row.

Column Padding

The pixel padding on the left-hand-side and right-hand-side of the cell text relative to the width of each column.

Refresh Rate

The minimum (quickest possible) rate that the control will be redrawn.

The control is only redrawn as required upon changes to the layout, scrolling or other user initiated events.

Scan Delay (Optional)

The number of page scan delay before the genie is initialized at runtime. this can be set to different number on different control genies to stagger the initialization order. If not set defaults to 1.

Connection Str

The ADO connection string to the database source. See the sConnect parameter of the built-in Cicode function SQLCreate for details.

SQL Selection Query

The SQL query statement to return a table of records (recordset)

Horizontal Scrollbar (Optional)

The name of the horizontal scroll bar genie on the page that allows the user to horizontally scroll the content displayed on the control genie If you will not require horizontal scrolling, leave this field blank.

Vertical Scrollbar


The name of the horizontal scroll bar genie on the page that allows the user to vertically scroll the content displayed on the control genie If you will not require vertical scrolling, leave this field blank.

Header Font

The pre-configured font for header text.

Cell Font

The pre-configured font for cell text.

Selection Font

The pre-configured font for cell text when it is selected.

Auto Width

True/False drop down box. False is selected by default. Determines whether the column width will be automatically adjusted to show full cell content when the control is redrawn.

Allow Selection

True/False drop down. True is selected by default. Determines whether allow the rows displayed on the control are selectable .

Intialize (Optional)

Callback function that is called when the control initializes. The callback function should return either TRUE (1) for success or FALSE (0) if unsuccessful. By default, if the user specified function does not initialize, the control genie will retry the function a few times before giving up.

This callback only supports the #Name keyword which represents the name assigned to the control genie.

Note: The initialization callback function may be called multiple times whenever the table is re-initialized.

Left Mouse

Callback function that is called when the user clicks the left mouse button. No particular return value is expected from this function, and it supports the following keywords in its argument list:

#Name = name assigned to the genie

#Row = row number of the cell (w.r.t. the underlying data) that is clicked

#Col = column number of the cell that is clicked

#RowDsp = row number of the cell relative to the display that is clicked

#ColDsp = column number of the cell relative to the display that is clicked

Right Mouse (Optional)

Callback function that is called when the user clicks the right mouse button. It uses the same specification as that of the Left mouse callback.

Double Click (Optional)

Callback function that is called when the user double-click the left mouse button. It uses the same specification as that of the Left mouse callback.

Table Reload (Optional)

Callback function that is called when the control is redrawn No particular return value is expected from this function, and it supports the following keywords in its argument list:

#Name = name assigned to the genie

Note: The Table can be up to 62 columns (although the latter columns may not have the column separators). For tables that return more columns that the limit, the first 62 columns will be displayed.

See Also

Published June 2018