Situational Awareness Projects > Autofill


The Workspace autofill system allows the content on a screen to be automatically updated at runtime based on the current context of a client. Autofill works for all windows that are registered with the workspace, such as the master page window and any popup windows.

For example, if a pump is selected on a display page, the autofill process will update any relevant panes with content that directly relates to the pump, and optionally its parental or child hierarchy.

Autofill works by associating a particular type of content (such as a faceplate or page) with each equipment definition in a project's equipment hierarchy. To align with this, the panes in a workspace can be configured to automatically display matching content types.

When a piece of equipment comes into context, any pane that has autofill enabled will check if the associated content type is the same as the content it is configured to display. If a match is made, the pane will display the content.

To engage Citect SCADA's autofill functionality, you need to perform the following tasks:


The following example demonstrates how Context Modes and the configuration of equipment and workspaces allows content to be automatically filled on context change.

The equipment hierarchy below features a tank (Tank1) with an input pump and output pump. Assume that Citect SCADA's autofill functionality will present the content associated with this hierarchy on the following arrangement of panes.

To enable autofilling, the following settings are configured.

Note: A page can be classified as a particular content type. This allows the system to know what it is, and to match it with a pane content type configuration. See Assign a Content Type to a Page.

The following demonstrates the expected outcome for the above example based on the three available context modes.

See Also

Published June 2018