Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Graphics Builder Automation Interface - Text Property Functions | Extensbility

Text Property Functions

These functions allow you to read and modify the properties of the text objects in your project.


Sets the text for a text object, or retrieves the current text.


Applies a color to the selected text, or retrieves the current font color setting.


Applies the "off" color to the selected text, or retrieves the current font color setting.


Applies the "on" color to the selected text, or retrieves the current font color setting.


Applies a specific font to the selected text, or retrieves the font setting.


Applies a font size to the selected text, or retrieves the current font size.


Applies a specific justification setting to selected text, or retrieves the current text justification value.


Sets a specific text style, or retrieves the current text style setting.

The following object functions are also valid for text objects:


Applies a 3D effect to an object, or retrieves the current 3D effect setting.


Applies a level of depth to a 3D effect, or retrieves the current depth setting.


Sets the highlight color applied to the 3D effects raised, lowered or embossed, or retrieves the current highlight color setting.


Sets the lowlight color applied to the 3D effects raised, lowered or embossed, or retrieves the current lowlight color setting.


Sets the shadow color when a shadowed 3D effect is used, or retrieves the current shadow color setting.

For details and a VB example on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

See Also

Published June 2018