Topology > Redundancy > Reports and Trends Server Redundancy > Trends Server Redundancy

Trends Server Redundancy

It is possible to configure two Trends Servers in a project. That is, a primary Trends Server and a standby Trends Server.

When both Trends Servers are in operation, trends are processed on both servers in parallel, and written to disk (each server needs to write to its own disk or its own private area on the file serverA computer with a large data storage capacity dedicated to file storage and accessed by other client computers via a network. On larger networks, the file server runs a special network operating system. On smaller installations, the file server may run a PC operating system supplemented by peer-to-peer networking software.).

When a Trends Server starts up, it tries to establish a connection to the other Trends Server. If it can establish a connection, it will transfer the trend data from the last time it was shutdown until the current time (this minimizes the chance that trend data will be lost).

See Also

Published June 2018