System Model > Equipment > Configure Equipment Instances Using the Equipment Editor > Add an Equipment Instance to a New Hierarchy Level

Add an Equipment Instance to a New Hierarchy Level

When you add a new equipment instance to a project, you can include additional hierarchy levels by using the period character (.) within the equipment name. For example, you could create a new equipment instance in the root directory of a project with the following equipment name:


This would result in the following addition to the project's equipment hierarchy:

To add an equipment instance to a new hierarchy level:

  1. Open Equipment Editor and select the Equipment tab.
  2. In the Equipment panel, select a location for the equipment instance (and any additional hierarchy levels) within the equipment hierarchy.
  3. Right-click and select New Equipment.
  4. The Add New Equipment dialog will display.

  5. Enter a Name for the equipment instance and any additional hierarchy levels using the following syntax:

  6. <hierarchy level>.<hierarchy level>.<equipment name>

    The maximum number of levels that can be defined in a hierarchy is 14.

    Remember that the equipment name needs to begin with either an alphabetical character (A-Z or a-z) or the underscore character (_). Any following characters needs to be either alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z or 0-9), backslash characters (\), or underscore characters (_). An equipment name does not support spaces.

  7. In the Type field, use the drop-down list to select the equipment type on which the equipment instance will be based. If you select No Type, the equipment instance will not maintain an association with an equipment type.
  8. Select the Project to which you would like to add the equipment type. The drop-down list includes the current project and its included projects.
  9. Click OK.

The equipment instance will open for editing on a new tab, and will appear within in the equipment hierarchy in the specified location.

See Also

Published June 2018