Runtime Client Tools > Process Analyst > Pens > Data Quality

Data Quality

Process Analyst pens use the same sample quality values as Citect SCADA trend and alarm samples. There are four sample quality values:

The Process Analyst uses the following default line styles to indicate data quality:


Line style







Consider the following examples:

Data sample


This example shows several single samples. The third sample has a quality of N/A, indicated by the break in the trend line.

Here the quality of the third sample is gated, indicated by the broken line connecting these samples.

With multiple samples, the quality of the last sample in the group determines how the line is drawn. Consider the following examples:

This example shows that the third sample is a multiple sample. The quality of the third (multiple) sample and the next sample are N/A, indicated by the break in the trend line.

Here the quality of the third multiple sample is gated, indicated by the broken line connecting the samples.

The line style indicating the data quality is configurable during run time and design time; for details, see Configure Pen Quality.

Published June 2018