Graphics Builder > Using Dynamic Associations on a Graphics Page | Graphics Builder

Dynamic Associations

Dynamic associations are placeholders you can use on a graphics page to link to equipment, 'equipment.item' and/or variable tag references via association Cicode functions at runtime.

Note: Prior to Citect SCADA 2015, dynamic associations were referenced within Super Genie pages. With the introduction of equipment, 'equipment.item' references and partial associations, the concept is now referred to as dynamic associations.

When you replace part or all of a command or expression with a placeholder, the placeholder is called an association.

You can use associations in any graphics object properties that accept tags, commands and expressions. You can also use associations in:

However, you cannot use the dynamic association syntax in a report, alarm, trend, or background Cicode function.

In the illustration below, Numeric Expression 1 has been replaced with a placeholder '?Running?'. The question marks ('? ?') denote it is a dynamic association.

Only part of Numeric Expression 2 has been replaced with the placeholder '?Equip?'.

See Also

Published June 2018