Graphics Builder | Graphics Builder

Graphics Builder

Graphics Builder is the tool you use to create and configure graphics pages. You can add content to a page that makes it reflect the area or processes it will be used to monitor.

To open Graphics Builder:

  1. On the Activity Bar, select Graphics Builder from the menu.
  2. OR

    Click the Graphics Builder icon.

A graphics page is typically based on a template that conforms to the style applied to every page included in a project (see Page Templates). For example, if your current project is based on the StruxureWare starter project, you would create a new graphics page from the "Normal" template based on the StruxureWare style. The page that opens in Graphics Builder will include navigational tools and functionality that are common to every page in the project (for example, the alarm banner, navigation panel and equipment hierarchy).

A page template also allows you to build graphics pages that are an appropriate screen resolution for your client computers.

To create content for a graphics page, you use graphics objects that allow you to create a meaningful representation of the system that is being monitored. These objects can be configured to display system data and respond to tag value changes. A wide range of graphics objects are supported in Graphics Builder, from simple shapes to complex symbols, Genies and Composite Genies. When you add an object to a page, it is automatically allocated an animation point number (AN). This provides a way to reference animations at runtime (see Animation Points).

You can also add commands and controls to a graphics page, providing a way for an operator to interact with a system at runtime (see Interact with Graphics Pages at Runtime).

See Also

Published June 2018