This topic describes how to format alarms in a standard project. The display format specifies how alarms are displayed on screen for the Active Alarms and Alarm Summary pages.
Include data in an alarm display by specifying the field name and width for each field to display. You need to enclose each field in braces {} and use the following syntax:
{<field name>, [width[, justification]]}
For example:
Format |
{Tag,8} {Name,32} |
In this case, data displays in two fields: Tag, with 8 characters; and Name, with 32 characters. The width specifier is optional; if it is not used, the width of the field is determined by the number of characters between the braces.
Format |
Name of Alarm:{Name } |
In this case, Name is followed by four spaces; the data {Name} displays with 8 characters.
Note: The screen resolution of your computer determines the total number of characters (and therefore the number of fields) that can be displayed on the alarms page.
You can include fixed text by specifying the text exactly as it will display; for example:
Format |
Name of Alarm: |
Any spaces that you use in a text string are also included in the display.
To set the justification of the text in each field, use a justification specifier. You can use three justification characters, L (Left), R (Right), and N (None); for example:
Format |
Name of Alarm:{Name,32,R} {Tag,8,L} |
The justification specifier is optional; if it is omitted, the field is left justified. If you use a justification specifier, you need to also use the width specifier.
To display field text in columns, use the tab character (^t); for example:
Format |
{Tag,8}^t{Name,32}^t{Desc,8} |
This format aligns the tag, name and description fields of the alarm when using a proportional font to display the alarms.
See Also
Published June 2018