Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Page Properties Functions > PageArea


Retrieves or sets the PageArea property for the current graphics page.




1... 255 as a string, or blank to assign the page to every area.

Return Value

If retrieving the current PageArea setting, 1... 255 is returned as a string if a numeric value is used, or a group name is returned as a string if security has been set up using a preconfigured group. A blank string is returned if the active page is assigned to every area.

If you are using the function to apply an area setting, 0 (zero) is returned if successful, or an E_INVALIDARG error if the value you want to apply is out of range.

Note: For details on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

Related Functions

PageName, PageTitle, PageDescription, PagePrevious, ProjectNext, PageScanTime, PageLogDevice

See Also


' Assigns a page to one of the areas defined in a Citect SCADA project
GraphicsBuilder.PageArea = "1"

' Retrieves the name of the area the current page is assigned to
MyVariable = GraphicsBuilder.PageArea

Note: This function is implemented in the C++ environment as two separate functions: put_PageArea applies an Area setting for active graphics page, and get_PageArea retrieves the current Area setting.

Published June 2018