Extensibility > Graphics Builder Automation Interface > Page Properties Functions | Extensibility

Page Properties Functions

Using the page properties functions, you can manipulate the properties of the pages in your project.

PageAddAssociation Adds a new association to the current page. This function will return an error if an association with the specified name already exists.
PageAssociationDefault Sets or retrieves the default for the currently selected page association.
PageAssociationDescription Sets or retrieves the description for the currently selected page association.
PageAssociationName Retrieves the name of the currently selected page association.
PageAssociationValueOnError Sets or retrieves the value-on-error for the currently selected page association.


Retrieves the appearance properties of a page. This function, since it does not support True Color functionality, has been superseded by PageAppearanceGetEx.


Retrieves the appearance properties of a page. This function supports True Color functionality and replaces PageAppearanceGet.


Retrieves or sets the PageArea property for the current graphics page.


Retrieves or sets the cluster context inherit flag setting for current graphics page.


Retrieves or sets the cluster context name property for the current graphics page.

PageDeleteAssociation Deletes the selected association from the current page. After an item has been deleted, a call to PageSelectNextAssociation will select the item immediately following the deleted item.


Sets or retrieves the description attached to the active Citect SCADA graphics page.

PageEnvironmentAdd Adds a new environment variable to the current page. This function will return an error if an environment variable with the specified name already exists.
PageEnvironmentFirst Retrieves the first environment variable in the current page. This function will return an error if there are no environment variables in the page.
PageEnvironmentNext Retrieves the next environment variable in the current page. This function will return an error if there are no more environment variables in the page.
PageEnvironmentRemove Removes an environment variable from the current page. This function will return an error if an environment variable with the specified name does not exist.


Retrieves or sets the LogDevice property setting for the current graphics page.


Returns the name of the active page. This is a read only attribute.


Retrieves the name of the page currently defined as "next" for the active graphics page, or sets the page you would like defined as next.


Retrieves the name of the page currently defined as "previous" to the active graphics page, or sets the page you would like defined as previous to the current page.


Retrieves or sets the PageScanTime property for the current graphics page.

PageSelectAssociationByName Selects the specified association in the current page.
PageSelectFirstAssociation Selects the first association in the current page.
PageSelectNextAssociation Selects the next association in the current page.


Sets or retrieves the title of the active Citect SCADA graphics page.


Retrieves the Animation Name of the graphics object on the current graphics page.


Sets the Animation Name of the graphics object on the current graphics page.

For details and a VB example on handling return and error values, see Error Handling.

See Also

Published June 2018