Security > Configure Security > Privileges | Security


Citect SCADA provides eight privileges, numbered 1 to 8, that you can use to restrict access to some of the elements in a runtime system. These elements include:

To implement privileges in a Citect SCADA system, you need to perform the following:

When configuring privileges for a role, you can assign global privileges that apply to all areas, or you can assign privileges for specific areas.

The properties that define privileges for a role include the following:

Role Property



Sets global privileges for the role (that apply to all areas).

If you assign a role a global privilege, that role is also granted view access to every area automatically. Any user assigned that role will be able to view every area of the plant.

Priv 1 Areas ... Priv 8 Areas

Sets privileges for specific areas. For example, if "Priv 1 Areas" is set to "1,2,3", users assigned to this role will have privilege 1 access to Areas 1,2 and 3.

View Areas

Allows users assigned to the role to view the specified areas.

For more information about the configuration of areas and privileges, including some examples, see Privilege and Area Combinations.

Not every system element needs a privilege classification. For example, every user will require access to a login command. A blank privilege setting (or privilege 0) means that an element has no classification and will be accessible to all users.

Note: You can use the Citect.ini parameter [Privilege]Exclusive to implement hierarchical privilege. This means users with privilege 3 have access to commands with a privilege classification of 3, 2, and 1. To allocate every privilege, you only need to specify privilege 8.

See Also

Published June 2018