Runtime Client Tools > Web Client > Prepare a Project for Web Client Deployment > Run the Web Deployment Preparation Tool

Run the Web Deployment Preparation Tool

The final step in preparing a project for deployment involves running it through the Web Deployment Preparation tool. This takes a freshly compiled project and creates the necessary files and directories for Web-based delivery.

To run a project through the Web Deployment Preparation tool:

  1. Verify that the project you want to deploy has had any associated user files or ActiveX objects identified in the Web Client Files dialog (see Include Custom Files in a Web Deployment).
  2. Check the Fast Runtime Display option in the Graphics Builder. Update pages and pack libraries for include projects and then main projects.
  3. In the Projectactivity | Home view, locate the project you want to deploy and do a fresh compile.
  4. Click Prepare Web Deployment on the Command Bar.
  5. A progress indicator appears. The size of the project significantly affects how long this process takes; a large project with many files can take over ten minutes to process, depending on your hardware. (You can abort the deployment preparation if you want.)
  6. When complete, a dialog appears stating the preparation was successful. Click OK.

The project is now ready for deployment on the Web Server. If you change a project, you need to do a fresh compile and run the Web Deployment Preparation tool again.

Note: You can run the Web Deployment Preparation tool automatically when you compile a project. To do this, click Options on the Activity Bar. Select the Prepare for Web Deployment option and click OK. Be aware that this increases the time taken for each compile, particularly for large projects.

Published June 2018