System Projects Reference > Situational Awareness System Projects > Situational Awareness Include Project > Workspace_SelectEquipment


Changes the context of the workspace to the piece of equipment selected on the current page. This will trigger the automatic filling of content in your workspace panes according to the [Workspace]contextmode that has been configured. See Also Workspace_SetSelContext.

Any panes in your workspace (or linked workspaces) that have been configured as PANE_FILLMODE_Autofill, PANE_FILLMODE_AutofillContextMustMatch or PANE_FILLMODE_StaticContextMustMatch will be updated with the new context and this is available in your page via two super genie associations __EquipmentName and __EquipmentRef. By default, the page from which this function is called will not be updated. If you need the page to be updated, set the bIncludeCurrentPane parameter to TRUE when calling this function.


Workspace_SelectEquipment([INT bIncludeCurrentPane])


Allow the current page to be automatically filled and context updated. This may result in the page that you clicked on changing. Default = FALSE. This is an optional parameter.

Return Value




Related Functions

Published June 2018