System Projects Reference > Situational Awareness System Projects > Situational Awareness Include Project > Workspace_ShowContent


Shows a piece of content (page) in a particular pane of a particular workspace with a specific equipment context.

Note: When calling this function in the workspace, any tabs that are added to the tab bar will have the name of the page title and the name of the page itself. For example, If the shelve form was shown and displayed as content for a tab, the name of the tab would be "Shelve Alarm Form" and not "DefaultShelveForm_HD1080".


Workspace_ShowContent(STRING sContentItem [, STRING sPaneRef [, STRING sEquipmentContext [, STRING sEquipmentSecondaryContext [, STRING sWorkspaceName]]]])


The Citect page to be displayed.


The name of the pane or a pane path reference, in which to display the content. Default is "", which means the pane will be automatically detected based upon the content type of the content and the content types defined on the panes in the workspace(s).

As a Pane may host a page which also has panes, you can use '.' (dot) syntax to refer to them as a pane path reference. For example, Pane.Pane.Pane.

This is an optional parameter.


The context to set on the content when it is displayed. Default is "", which will get the context of the workspace. This is an optional parameter.


The value of the equipment name that is set as the secondary context for related equipment. For example, for a Polar Star Composite Genie, this will be the value specified in the Equipment Name option in the Presentation Options dialog box. This is used to determine the number of symbols to be displayed for MEOs. The default value is "".


The name of the workspace (a screen name in the active screen profile) in which you want to display your content. Default is "", which is the workspace of the current window and its linked workspaces. This is an optional parameter.

Return Value

Returns the Citect Window number (if only one window is updated). Otherwise returns -1.



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Published June 2018