Situational Awareness Projects > Customize a Project > Add a Tree View to a Page

Add a Tree View to a Page

A tree view is a control that provides a hierarchical view of the information on a page. For example, a tree view is used on the default Active Alarms page in a Situational Awareness Starter Project. You can use it to filter the displayed list of alarms.

Each item in a tree view is a Genie that supports the following functionality:

If required, you can use the View Genie parameter to substitute the default Genie with your own. This will allow you to customize the appearance of the tree and the features it supports.

To add a tree view to a page you need to use the Tree View Genie. The Genie's parameters are divided into five main groups:

When the Genie is pasted on a page, the Genie Parameters Dialog Box is displayed. See below for a description of each parameter.

See Also

Published June 2018