Graphics Builder > Interaction with Pages at Runtime > Touch Commands

Touch Commands

You can assign touch commands to the objects on a graphics pages. Touch commands allow an operator to send commands to the runtime system by clicking (with the mouse or similar) on an object on the graphics page. (For buttons, the command can be executed by highlighting the button with the cursor keys on the keyboard and pressing Enter.)

You can define several commands for an object, one command to execute when the operator clicks on the object, another for when the operator releases the mouse button, and another to operate continuously while the operator holds the mouse button down.

For example, a drive can be jogged by starting it when the mouse button is depressed and stopping it when the mouse button released; variables can be incremented while the mouse button is held, and so on.

Note: You can define a disable condition for any object on a page (including buttons). When the condition is active, the operator cannot interact with the object.

See Also

Published June 2018