Situational Awareness Projects > Customize a Project > Use Navigational Genies on Content Pages

Use Navigational Genies on Content Pages

The SA_Include project contains a set of navigational Genies that you can use to direct an operator through a production process that spans multiple graphics pages. The Genies indicate the direction of a link, and include a label that describes the consecutive location. Clicking on the Genie at runtime will take you directly to the linked page (except where a Static Link Genie has been used).

The following navigational Genies are included in the "sa_navigation" library:

To add a navigational Genie to a page:

  1. Open a page in Graphics Builder.
  2. Click the Paste Genie button in the objects toolbox.
  3. Or, select Paste Genie from the Edit menu.

  4. In the Paste Genie dialog, select the Library "sa_navigation".
  5. Select one of the following from the Genie list and click OK.
  6. The Genie is pasted onto the graphics page. A dialog will open, prompting you to configure the properties of the Genie. For a description of the properties, see below.

  7. Click Save.

See Also

Published June 2018