Extensibility > CtAPI > Function Reference > ctFindScroll


Scrolls to the necessary object in the search initiated by ctFindFirst.

To find the current scroll pointer, you can scroll relative (dwMode = CT_FIND_SCROLL_RELATIVE) with an offset of 0. To find the number of records returned in a search, scroll to the end of the search.


ctFindScroll(hnd, dwMode, dwOffset, pObjHnd)


Type: Handle
Input/output: Input
Description: Handle to the search, as returned by ctFindFirst().


Description: Mode of the scroll. The following modes are supported:

CT_FIND_SCROLL_NEXT: Scroll to the next record. The dwOffset parameter is ignored.

CT_FIND_SCROLL_PREV: Scroll to the previous record. The dwOffset parameter is ignored.

CT_FIND_SCROLL_FIRST: Scroll to the first record. The dwOffset parameter is ignored.

CT_FIND_SCROLL_LAST: Scroll to the last record. The dwOffset parameter is ignored.

CT_FIND_SCROLL_ABSOLUTE: Scroll to absolute record number. The record number is specified in the dwOffset parameter. The record number is from 1 to the maximum number of records returned in the search.

CT_FIND_SCROLL_RELATIVE: Scroll relative records. The number of records to scroll is specified by the dwOffset parameter. If the offset is positive, this function will scroll to the next record, if negative, it will scroll to the previous record. If 0 (zero), no scrolling occurs.


Type: LONG
Input/output: Input
Description: Offset of the scroll. The meaning of this parameter depends on the dwMode of the scrolling operation.


Input/output: Output
Description: The pointer to the found object handle. This is used to retrieve the properties.


Input/output: Output
Description: The pointer to the found object handle. This is used to retrieve the properties.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is non-zero. If the function does not succeed, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError(). If you reach the end of the search, the GetLastError() function returns an Object Not Found error. The return value is the current record number in the search. Record numbers start at 1 (for the first record) and increment until the end of the search has been reached. Remember, 0 (zero) is not a valid record number - it signifies that the function was not successful.

Related Functions

ctOpen, ctFindFirst, ctFindNext, ctFindPrev, ctFindClose, ctGetProperty


HANDLE    hSearch;
HANDLE hObject;
DWORD dwNoRecords;
// Search the Tag table
hSearch = ctFindFirst(hCTAPI, "Tag", NULL, &hObject, 0);
// Count number of records
dwNoRecords = ctFindScroll(hSearch, CT_FIND_SCROLL_LAST, 0, &hObject);
// scroll back to beginning
ctFindScroll(hSearch, CT_FIND_SCROLL_FIRST, 0, &hObject);
do {
char sName[32];
// Get the tag name
ctGetProperty(hObject, "Tag", sName, sizeof(sName), NULL, DBTYPE_STR);
} while (ctFindScroll(hSearch, CT_FIND_SCROLL_NEXT, 0, &hObject));

Published June 2018