Cicode Programming Reference > Debugging Cicode > Using Breakpoints

Using Breakpoints

To debug a function, you need to first be able to stop it at a particular point in the code. You can place a breakpoint on any line in the source code functions. Breakpoints may be inserted or removed while editing or debugging without the need for them to be saved with the file.

To insert/remove a breakpoint:

  1. Open the Cicode Editing window.
  2. Position the cursor on the line where you want the breakpoint to be placed or removed.
  3. Click the Debug indicator bar. Alternatively, you can press F9 or choose Debug | Insert/Remove Breakpoint.

The breakpoint appears as a large red dot at the beginning of the line.

You can also enable or disable breakpoints you have inserted into your Cicode.

To enable/disable a breakpoint:

  1. Open the Cicode Editing Window.
  2. Position the cursor on the line where the breakpoint is located.
  3. Press Ctrl + F9, or choose Debug | Enable/Disable Breakpoint.

A disabled breakpoint appears as a large dark gray (disabled) dot at the beginning of the line.

Note: You can also use the DebugBreak() Cicode function to halt a process thread.

See Also

Published June 2018