System Model > Equipment > Configure Equipment Types Using the Equipment Editor > Add an Item to an Equipment Type

Add an Item to an Equipment Type

An item brings together a set of elements that connect an equipment type to the physical piece of equipment it represents. You can use an item to reflect a particular aspect of a piece of equipment, such as an associated action, condition or settings.

To add an item to an equipment type:

  1. Open Equipment Editor and select the Equipment Types tab.
  2. Open the equipment type to which you would like to add an item (see Open an Equipment Type).
  3. Select the Items tab.
  4. Click on the Add New Item button.
  5. The new item will appear in the list of items with the name "NewItem" highlighted, allowing you to enter a name. Each item requires a unique name.

    Note: When naming an Item, there are a number of reserved words that you need to avoid. These reserved words relate to syntax that is used for tag extensions. They are:
    • field
    • valid
    • override
    • overridemode
    • controlmode
    • status
    • v
    • vt
    • q
    • qt
    • t
    If you use one of these reserved words, an error message will display when you compile your project.

    By default, the new item will include a variable tag as an element.

  6. To save your changes, select Save from the File menu, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut.

See Also

Published June 2018