An alarm indicator includes a flag that can be used to reflect the priority and current state of the most critical active alarm.
By default, this flag is constructed from the following set of Genies:
To create a custom flag for an alarm indicator, you need to create the required Genies and assign them to the associated alarm priority or alarm mode.
The Genie requires a root level object named "Shape".
Note: If you are configuring a Genie for the Disabled/Shelved alarm mode, set the fill color you would like to use on the Appearance | General tab. You can then skip step 5 as the Genie will not need to change color.
dspAnGetMetaData(dspGetAnCur(), "State")
1 = On and Unacknowledged
2 = Off and Unacknowledged
3 = On and Acknowledged
You can configure flashing colors via the Edit Favorite Colors Dialog Box, which is accessible via the Edit button on the Color Picker.
Note: If you are configuring a Genie for the Disabled/Shelved alarm mode, replace "Name: State; Value: 0" with "Name: Priority; Value: <blank>".
Alarm flag Genies use functionality provided by the Cicode function DspSym. You need to perform the remaining steps to enable DspSym support for the Genie.
On the File menu, select Properties.
Right-click on the Genie background and select Page Properties.
Note: When saving an alarm flag Genie, use a name that is unique across all included projects that share the same primary project.
The Genie can also include an optional text label. The procedure described below adds a text label that displays the Short Name specified for an Alarm Priority.
This should reflect the number of characters used for the Short Name specified in the Alarm Priority properties.
dspGetMetaDataFromName(".Shape", "Label")
dspGetMetaDataFromName(".Shape", "State")
1 = On and Unacknowledged
2 = Off and Unacknowledged
3 = On and Acknowledged
The default alarm flag Genies that are provided with Citect SCADA are located in the SA_Include project in a library called "sa_priorities". They are named as follows:
See Also
Published June 2018