System Model > Equipment > Equipment Types

Equipment Types

In a Citect SCADA project, the term "equipment type" refers to a template that you can use to associate multiple instances of a particular piece equipment in your project.

For example, if you have a motor that is deployed in numerous locations across a production facility, you could create an equipment type to act as a template for the motor. This will bring together many of the configuration settings required to add each instance of the motor to your project, such as the associated variable tags, operational states, cluster associations, and so on.

To then add one of the motors to your project, you simply create a new instance of the equipment type. This offers the following benefits:

An equipment type is made up of the following:

To create equipment types, you use the Equipment Editor (see Using Equipment Editor to Generate Tags).

Alternatively, you can create your own XML template and add it to your project as an equipment type (see Importing Equipment Using XML Templates).

Note: Equipment types are primarily designed to assist with the creation of new tags. If you would like to define an equipment hierarchy for existing tags, you should use the process described in the topic Define an Equipment Association for an Existing Tag.

See Also

Published June 2018