Graphics Builder > Genies > Paste a Genie | Genies | Graphics Builder

Paste a Genie

A Genie can be pasted on any graphics page.

  1. Open Graphics Builder.
  2. Click the Paste Genie button in the objects toolbox, or select Paste Genie from the Edit menu.
  3. In the Paste Genie dialog, select the library to which the required Genie belongs.
  4. Select the Genie from the Genie list and click OK. You can also double-click the thumbnail of the Genie.
  5. The Genie is pasted onto the graphics page. A dialog will open, prompting you to configure the properties of the Genie (see Genie Parameters Dialog Box).

  6. Enter the required values, and click OK to close the dialog.

To reuse this Genie in the project, you would enter a different title and text when prompted.

Note: To display the properties of the individual objects in a Genie (instead of the Genie Properties), hold the Control (CTRL) key down and double-click the object. The properties will be read-only.

See Also

Published June 2018