Graphics Builder > Graphics Objects > Manipulate Graphics Objects > Reshape Objects

Reshape Objects

Pipe, Polyline, or Polygon objects can be edited to change their shape. Each of these objects consist of a continuous series of lines drawn between structural anchor points called nodesA structural anchor point for a graphic object, usually visible as a small square box superimposed over a graphic. Nodes will be located separately at the start, at the end, and at every change in direction within a graphic object.. Nodes are visible when an object is selected. Each node appears as a small square located at specific anchor points along the object. There will be a node located at the start and end of a polyline or pipe, and at every change of direction in an object's shape.

Pipe, Polyline, and Polygon objects can have their shapes changed in many ways. Their nodes can be selected individually or by group and moved to a different position, thus changing the shape of the object. The Pipe, Polyline, and Polygon objects also support node adding and deleting.

Line objects also have nodes, but behave in a more restricted manner than Pipe, Polyline, or Polygon objects.

A straight line can only consist of two nodes, (a start node point and an end node point). These can be individually selected to move the line to a different position, or at least change its direction. The Line object does not support node adding. To achieve the same result as adding a node to a Line object, create a Polyline object instead. Deleting either of the (only two) nodes of a Line object will delete the whole Line object completely.

See Also

Published June 2018