System Projects Reference > Situational Awareness System Projects > Situational Awareness Controls Project > Alarm List Vertical Genie
Alarm List Vertical Genie

Genie Name: alarmlist_v
Genie Library: sa_controls
System Project: SA_Controls

The Alarm List Vertical Genie (named "alarmlist_v") allows you to place a list of alarms on a graphics page in a pre-defined format. It is a variation of the Alarm List Genie. It differs as it generates a list with no header row and just a vertical scroll bar.

This Genie can be used with the List Row Genie, which facilitates row selection, a row context menu and row background color.

By default, an alarm list Genie displays the fields configured through the AlarmListCreate Cicode function. You can also use this function to specify the display fonts and alarm indicators.

For further instructions on how to use the List Row Vertical Genie, see Add an Alarms List to a Page.

Note: You can also use the Citect.ini parameter [Format]FormatName to set a default format for the fields displayed in an alarms list.

See also

Published June 2018