Graphics Builder > Graphics Objects > Configure Graphics Objects > Symbol Set Properties - Appearance General (Array)

Symbol Set Properties - Appearance General (Array)

Symbol Sets have the following general appearance (Array) properties:



Array expression

Enter the expression which is to return one or more integers. For each returned integer, a different symbol will be displayed.

If the return value is:

  • Less than 0 (zero), it will be set to 0 (zero), and a runtime hardware alarm will be triggered.
  • Greater than 255, it will be set to 255, and a runtime hardware alarm will be triggered.
  • A real (non-integer) number, it will be rounded off to the nearest integer.

To insert a tag or a function, click the Wizard button to the right of this field. This button displays two options; Insert tag, and Insert Function.

Array symbol

The symbol that is to display for each integer returned by the Array expression entered above (symbol 0 will be used when the expression returns integer 0, symbol 1 will be used when integer 1 is returned etc.).

Click the Set button to select a symbol, or Clear to clear the current selection.

For example, to display different symbols illustrating the various states of a motor, you could fill out the Array expression and Array symbol fields as follows:

In this example, MOTOR_STATUS is an analog variable tag representing the status of a motor. Each time the motor changes state, an integer is returned (0 = Running, 1 = Starting etc.), and the appropriate symbol displays.

Click Clear Property to clear property details, and disable the property. To define further properties for the object, click tabs.

See Also

Published June 2018