Graphics Builder > Graphics Objects > Configure Graphics Objects > Text Properties - Appearance Display Value (Multi-state)

Text Properties - Appearance Display Value (Multi-state)

Text has the following multi-state display value properties:


The conditions you enter here will occur together in different ways, at different times. You can use each different combination to determine the text that will display.

The default number of conditions is 3, but you can add more (to a maximum of 5 conditions, providing 32 combinations), using the Add button. You can also delete conditions using the Delete button, but you need to enter a condition in this field. To enter a condition, click the relevant line (A, B, C, etc.), and click Edit. To insert a tag or function, click the Wizard button. This button displays two options: Insert Tag and Insert Function.

Note: You can also insert Equipment.item references into expression fields using the insert tag option; however if no equipment has been configured in your system the list will be empty. You will need to configure equipment to populate the list with available tags.

State text

The text that is to display for each combination of the above conditions. You can enter any keyboard character(s).

For example:

To display different messages about the status of a valve, you could fill out the Conditions and State text fields as follows:


State text





Open Feedback

Close Feedback

Open Output









Valve Inoperable

Valve Inoperable

Valve Closed

Valve Inoperable

Valve Inoperable

Valve Open

Valve Inoperable

Valve Inoperable

In this example, Open_Feedback and Close_Feedback are variable tags representing digital inputs on the valve; Open_Output is a variable tag representing an output on the valve. So, ABC means Open_Feedback is on, and Close_Feedback and Open_Output are both off. For this combination, the text "Valve Inoperable" will display, because the valve is open when it is meant to be closed. The same type of logic applies to the rest of the states.

Click Clear Property to clear property details and disable the property.

See Also

Published June 2018