Extensibility > CtAPI > Function Reference > ctFindFirstEx


Performs the same as ctFindFirst, but with an additional new argument. Searches for the first object in the specified table, device, trend, or alarm data which satisfies the filter string. A handle to the found object is returned via pObjHnd. The object handle is used to retrieve the object properties. To find the next object, call the ctFindNext function with the returned search handle.

If you experience server performance problems when using ctFindFirst() refer to CPULoadCount and CpuLoadSleepMS.

If ctFindFirst is called instead of ctFindFirstEx, the szCluster defaults to NULL.


ctFindFirstEx(hCTAPI, szTableName, szFilter, szCluster, pObjHnd, dwFlags)


Type: Handle
Input/output: Input
Description: The handle to the CTAPI as returned from ctOpen().


Input/output: Input
Description: The table, device, trend, or alarm data to be searched. The following tables and fields can be searched:

For information on fields, see the Browse Function Field Reference in the Cicode Reference Guide.


Input/output: Input
Description: Filter criteria. This is a string based on the following format:


"*" as the filter to achieve the same result.


Input/output: Input
Description: Specifies on which cluster the ctFindFirst function will be performed. If left NULL or empty string then the ctFindFirst will be performed on the active cluster if there is only one.


Input/output: Output
Description: The pointer to the found object handle. This is used to retrieve the properties.


This argument is no longer used, pass in a value of 0 for this argument.

To search a table:

In szTableName specify the name of the table.

To search a device:

In szTableName specify the name as defined in the Citect SCADA Devices form, for example "RECIPES" for the Example project.

To search trend data:

In szTableName specify the trend using the following format (including the quotation marks):


See TrnQuery for syntax details.

To search alarm data:

In szTableName specifythe alarm data using the following format (including the quotation marks):


See AlmQuery for syntax details.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a search handle used in a subsequent call to ctFindNext() or ctFindClose(). If the function does not succeed, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError()

Related Functions

ctOpen, ctFindNext, ctFindClose, ctGetProperty, ctFindFirst

Published June 2018