Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > ActiveX Functions | Cicode

ActiveX Functions

Following are functions relating to ActiveX objects:

Note: ActiveX objects are not supported on a 64-bit process, such as an alarm server operating in Extended Memory mode. If a call to an ActiveX function occurs from a 64-bit process, an error code will be returned, a hardware alarm will be raised and the Cicode thread will stop.
For information regarding methods you can use to extend Citect SCADA that do not require ActiveX, see the topic Extensibility Components in the main Citect SCADA help.


Calls a specific method for an ActiveX object.


Retrieves a specific property of an ActiveX object.


Sets a specific property of an ActiveX object.


Retrieves the animation point number of an ActiveX object.


Creates a new instance of an ActiveX object.


Creates the automation component of an ActiveX object.


Allows you to change the ActiveX object's event class.


Establishes an association between a variable tag and an ActiveX object property.


Retrieves an ActiveX object.


Queries the ActiveX component to determine if its specific interface is supported.


Determines if the given handle for an object is valid.


Converts an object handle to a string.

See Also

Published June 2018