Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Alarm Functions > AlarmGetDsp


Gets field data from the alarm record that is displayed at the specified AN. You can use this function for Alarm Pages, Sequence of Events pages, and Alarm Summary pages(an Alarm Page, SOE Page, and Alarm Summary needs to be displayed before this function can be used).

You can call this function on an Alarms Server or a client to get the contents of any field in the alarm record at that AN.

You can return the record number of the alarm record for use in other alarm functions, for example, to acknowledge, disable, or enable an alarm (on an Alarms Server).

The AlarmGetDsp() function does not support hardware alarms.

If this function is not called from a foreground task, it becomes a blocking function.




AN number of an ALMCB Alarm record. Equal to AN where actual ALMCB resides + Offset into the list of ALMCB records.


The name of the field from which the data is retrieved. The contents of the following fields can be retrieved when the Alarm Page is displayed:



Area The area to which the alarm belongs. The user needs to have access to this area to access this alarm data.
AlmComment The text entered into the Comment field of the alarm properties dialog.
Category Alarm category.


An alarm response property that describes the cause of an alarm.

You need to append a number (1–8) to indicate which set of properties will be referenced, as more than one alarm response can be configured for an alarm tag. The value reflects the order in which the alarm responses were configured.

Cluster The name of the cluster the alarm tag applies.
Comment Operator comments attached to the Alarm Log entry (if any).


An alarm response property that describes the likely outcome if an alarm is not acted upon within the specified response time (RespTime).

You need to append a number (1–8) to indicate which set of properties will be referenced, as more than one alarm response can be configured for an alarm tag. The value reflects the order in which the alarm responses were configured.

Custom1..8 Custom filter fields.
Date The date that the alarm changed state.
DateExt The date that the alarm changed state in extended format (mm/dd/yyyy).
Deadband Deadband (Only valid on analog alarms).
Delay The duration of the alarm delay period.
Deviation Deviation Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
Desc Alarm description.
DisableComment Can be used to describe the reason why the alarm was disabled.
DisableEndDate The date when the alarm will no longer be disabled.
DisableEndDateExt The date when the alarm will no longer be disabled in extended format (mm/dd/yyyy).
DisableEndTime The time when the alarm will no longer be disabled.
Equipment The name of the equipment with which the alarm is associated.
Font Font of alarm.
Format Format of alarm.
High High Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
HighHigh High High Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
Help Alarm help page.
LogState The last state that the alarm passed through.
Low Low Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
LowLow Low Low Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
Name Alarm name.

Alarm paged flag.


Paging group for alarm.

Priority The alarm priority.
Rate Rate of change trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
RecNo The alarm record number.


An alarm response property that describes the appropriate response to an alarm.

You need to append a number (1–8) to indicate which set of properties will be referenced, as more than one alarm response can be configured for an alarm tag. The value reflects the order in which the alarm responses were configured.


Indicates the number of alarm responses that are associated with an alarm tag (0–8). Each alarm response incorporates a set of properties including Cause, Consequence, Response and RespTime.


An alarm response property that indicates the period of time in which the specified response should be acted upon.

You need to append a number (1–8) to indicate which set of properties will be referenced, as more than one alarm response can be configured for an alarm tag. The value reflects the order in which the alarm responses were configured.

State The current state of the alarm.
State_desc The configured description (for example, healthy or stopped) of a particular state.
Tag Alarm tag.
Time The time that the alarm changed state (hh:mm:ss).
Type The type of alarm or condition.
UserLocation The IP address or machine name where the event was triggered.
Value The current value of the alarm variable.

The contents of the any of the above fields (except for State) and the following fields can be retrieved when the Alarm Summary is displayed:

Field Description
AckDate The date when the alarm was acknowledged.
AckDateExt The date when the alarm was acknowledged in extended format (dd/mm/yyyy).
AckTime The time when the alarm was acknowledged.
DeltaTime The time difference between OnDate/OnTime and OffDate/OffTime, in seconds.
FullName The full name of the user (Full Name) who was logged on and performed some action on the alarm (for example, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.). Be aware that when the alarm is first activated, the full name is set to "system" (because the operator did not trip the alarm).
Native_SumDesc A description of the alarm summary, in the native language.
Native_Comment Native language comments the operator adds to an Alarm Summary entry during runtime.
OffDate The date when the alarm returned to its normal state.
OffDateExt The date when the alarm returned to its normal state in extended format (dd/mm/yyyy).
OffMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm returned to its normal state.
OffTime The time when the alarm returned to its normal state.
OnDate The date when alarm was activated.
OnDateExt The date when the alarm was activated in extended format (dd/mm/yyyy).
OnMilli Adds milliseconds to the time the alarm was activated.
OnTime The time when the alarm was activated.
RecordId String that uniquely identifies SOE records within the cluster. On the Alarm Summary table, this field references the associated SOE record.
SumState Describes the state of the alarm when it occurred.
SumDesc A description of the alarm summary.
UserName The name of the user (User Name) who was logged on and performed some action on the alarm (for example, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.). Be aware that when the alarm is first activated, the user name is set to "system" (because the operator did not trip the alarm).

The following fields can be retrieved when the Alarm SOE is displayed:

Field Description
AlmComment The text entered into the Comment field of the alarm properties dialog.
Area The area to which the alarm belongs. The user needs to have access to this area to access this alarm data.
Category The alarm category.
Cluster The name of the cluster the alarm tag applies.
Comment Operator comments attached to the Alarm Log entry (if any).
Custom1..8 Custom Filter Fields.
Date The date that the alarm changed state.
DateExt The date that the alarm changed state in extended format (mm/dd/yyyy).
Deadband Deadband (Only valid on analog alarms).
Deviation Deviation Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
Equipment The name of the equipment with which the alarm is associated.
FullName The full name of the user (Full Name) who was logged on and performed some action on the alarm (for example, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.). Be aware that when the alarm is first activated, the full name is set to "system" (because the operator did not trip the alarm).
High High Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
HighHigh High High Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
LogState The last state that the alarm passed through.
Low Low Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
LowLow Low Low Alarm trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
Message Additional information about the current status of the alarm. For example, a comment describing why the alarm has been disabled.
Name Alarm name.
Native_Comment Native language comments the operator adds to an Alarm Summary entry during runtime.
Native_SumDesc A description of the alarm summary, in the native language.

Alarm paged flag.


Paging group for alarm.

Priority The alarm priority.
Rate Rate of change trigger value (only valid on analog alarms).
RecordId String that uniquely identifies SOE records within the cluster. On the Alarm Summary table, this field references the associated SOE record.
State The current state of the alarm
State_desc The configured description (for example, healthy or stopped) of a particular state
SumDesc A description of the alarm summary
SumState Describes the state of the alarm when it occurred
Tag Alarm tag
Time The time that the alarm changed state (hh:mm:ss).
Type The type of alarm or condition.
UserLocation The IP address or machine name where the event was triggered.
UserName The name of the user (User Name) who was logged on and performed some action on the alarm (for example, acknowledging the alarm or disabling the alarm, etc.). Be aware that when the alarm is first activated, the user name is set to "system" (because the operator did not trip the alarm).

Return Value

The alarm field data (as a string) or empty string "".

Related Functions



! Display the tag and category for the alarm at the specified AN.
AlarmData(INT AN)
STRING Category;
Prompt("Alarm "+Tag+" is Category "+Category);

See Also

Alarm Functions

Published June 2018