Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Alarm Functions > AlarmSetDelayRec


Changes the delay setting for an alarm (that is Delay, High High Delay, Deviation Delay, etc.) by the alarm record number. You can only call this function on an alarms server for local alarms, or on a redundant server if one has been configured.

This is a blocking function. If the function is called from a foreground task that is unable to block, an error will be returned.


INT AlarmSetDelayRec(LONG Record, INT Type, INT Value, STRING ClusterName)


The alarm record number, returned from any of the following alarm functions:


The type of delay:

0 - Delay (digital alarm/advanced alarm)

1 - High high delay (analog alarm)

2 - High delay (analog alarm)

3 - Low delay (analog alarm)

4 - Low low delay (analog alarm)

5 - Deviation delay (analog alarm)


The new value for the delay. Enter a blank value " " to remove the delay setting.


Specifies the name of the cluster in which the Alarm Server resides. This is optional if you have one cluster or are resolving the alarm server via the current cluster context. The argument is enclosed in quotation marks "".

Related Functions

AlarmGetDelay, AlarmNotifyVarChange, AlarmGetDelayRec

See Also

Alarm Functions

Published June 2018