Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Display Functions > DspButtonFn


Displays a button at a specified AN. When the button is selected, a user function is called. If the width and height are 0 (zero), then the button adjusts to the size of the button sName.

Note: This function is only used for V3.xx and V4.xx animations, and was superseded in later releases.


DspButtonFn(nAN, UpFunction, Name [, hFont] [, Width] [, Height] [, DownFunction] [, RepeatFunction] )


The animation-point number.


The user function called when the command button is selected (when the mouse button is released after being clicked down). This is the default operation for commands activated by a button. This callback function can have no arguments, so specify the function with no parentheses (). The callback function needs to return INT as its return data type. You cannot specify a Citect SCADA built-in function for this argument.


The name to display on the button.


The handle of the font used to display the button name. Use the DspFont() function to create a new font and return the font handle. Use the DspFontHnd() function to return the font handle of an existing font. The Windows button font is used if the font is omitted or is not defined in the database.


The width of the button in pixels.


The height of the buton in pixels.


The user function called when the mouse button is clicked down (over the command button). Normally this parameter is not used, because most buttons are configured to activate when the mouse button is released (returning to the `up' position). The callback function needs to have no arguments, so specify the function with no parentheses (). The callback function needs to return INT as its return data type. You cannot specify a Citect SCADA built-in function for this argument.


The user function called repetitively, while the mouse button is being held down (over the command button) The callback function needs to have no arguments, so specify the function with no parentheses (). The callback function needs to return INT as its return data type. You cannot specify a Citect SCADA built-in function for this argument.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.

Related Functions

DspButton, DspFont, DspFontHnd


! Call this function when the button is selected.

See Also

Display Functions

Published June 2018