Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Display Functions > DspGetAnFromNameRelative


Name used to retrieve the animation number (AN) of an object on the page relative to a given Animation Number(AN). Use the following syntax:


This will browse the group hierarchy to a specific starting point, and then drill down to other groups to find the named control or object.

See Referencing an object using a name at runtime more information on the relative path syntax.

Note: When retrieving the AN for an object within a genie or super genie you need to use a relative path.


DspGetAnFromNameRelative(hAN, sName)


AN used as the starting point for the search.

Note: With an AN you can start the search from any level and not just the group you are in.


The Name used as a reference for the AN.

Return Value

AN of object or -1 if not found.

Related Functions

DspAnSetName, DspGetNameFromAn


// example of relative pathing syntax
DspGetAnFromNameRelative(625, "..\..\..\Object1")
//Using another AN as browse starting point
DspGetAnFromNameRelative(639, "..\..\Object1")

See Also

Published June 2018