Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Display Functions > DspTrendInfo


Get information on a trend definition.


DspTrendInfo( hTrend, Type, AN)


The name of the trend in the format <[LibName.]TrnName>. If you do not specify the library name, a trend from the Global library is assumed.

To get information on a Version 1.xx trend, specify the trend number (0 to 255). For example, if you specify trend 1, Citect SCADA obtains information from the trend Global.Trn001.


Type of trend info:

0 - Type of trend:

1 - Number of samples in trend

2 - Height of trend (in pixels)

3 - Width of trend sample (in pixels)

4 - Number of trend pens

11 - Color of pen 1. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 19 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 1.)

12 - Color of pen 2. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 20 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 2.)

13 - Color of pen 3. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 21 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 3.)

14 - Color of pen 4. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 22 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 4.)

15 - Color of pen 5. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 23 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 5.)

16 - Color of pen 6. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 24 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 6.)

17 - Color of pen 7. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 25 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 7.)

18 - Color of pen 8. If the pen uses flashing color, the initial color used. (Use type 26 to determine the secondary flashing color for pen 8.)

19 - The secondary color used for pen 1, if flashing color is used.

20 - The secondary color used for pen 2, if flashing color is used.

21 - The secondary color used for pen 3, if flashing color is used.

22 - The secondary color used for pen 4, if flashing color is used.

23 - The secondary color used for pen 5, if flashing color is used.

24 - The secondary color used for pen 6, if flashing color is used.

25 - The secondary color used for pen 7, if flashing color is used.

26 - The secondary color used for pen 8, if flashing color is used.


The AN where the trend is displayed.

Return Value

The trend information (as an integer). If Pen Color (Types 11 - 18) is requested from a bar trend, the return value is -1.

Related Functions



! get the number of samples for the main_loop trend (from the 
trends library).
nSamples = DspTrendInfo("Trends.Main_Loop", 1);
! get the number of samples for trend 3 (Citect SCADA Version 1.xx).
nSamples = DspTrendInfo(3, 1);

See Also

Display Functions

Published June 2018