Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Equipment Database Functions | Cicode

Equipment Database Functions

Following are functions relating to the equipment database.


Closes an equipment database browse session.


Gets the first equipment database entry in the browse session.


Gets the field indicated by the cursor position in the browse session.


Gets the next equipment database entry in the browse session.


Returns the number of records in the current browse session.


Opens an equipment database browse session.


Gets the previous equipment database entry in the browse session.


Checks if the equipment database file has been updated, and provides the facility to reload it.

EquipGetParameter Reads a runtime parameter of an equipment database record from the EQPARAM.RDB database file.


Reads a property of an equipment database record from the EQUIP.DBF file.


Closes an equipment database browse session.


Gets the first equipment database entry in the browse session.


Gets the field indicated by the cursor position in the browse session.


Gets the next equipment database entry in the browse session.

EquipRefBrowseNumRecords Returns the number of records in the current browse session.


Opens an equipment database browse session.


Gets the previous equipment database entry in the browse session.

EquipSetProperty Sets the property of an item of equipment.
EquipStateBrowseClose Terminates a browsing session and cleans up the resources used by the session.
EquipStateBrowseFirst Places the data browse cursor at the first record.
EquipStateBrowseGetField Returns the value of the particular field in a record to which the data browse cursor is currently referencing.
EquipStateBrowseNext Places the data browse cursor at the next available record.
EquipStateBrowseNumRecords Returns the number of records that match the current filter criteria.
EquipStateBrowseOpen Initiates a new session for browsing the equipment states configured.
EquipStateBrowsePrev Places the data browse cursor at the previous record.

See Also

Published June 2018