Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > Format Functions > FmtOpen


Creates a format template. After you create a template, you can use it for formatting data into strings or extracting data from a string. To format a template, use the same syntax as a device format, that is {<name>[,width[,justification]]}. The maximum number of formats that can be created in a project is 512. If you attempt to create formats in excess of this number, an error code (code 258: CT_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERRUN) will be generated.

Note: This function should be concluded with the FmtClose function, otherwise the same error code (code 258: CT_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERRUN) will be generated.


INT FmtOpen(STRING Name, STRING Format, INT Mode)


The name of the format template or Alarm Category.


The format of the template, as {<name>[,width[,justification]]}. Not used for alarm format. See Format Templates for more information.


The mode of the open:

0 - Open the existing format.

1 - Open a new format.

2 - Open Summary Format from Alarm Category specified by Name.

3 - Open Display Format from Alarm Category specified by Name.

4 – Open SOE format from Alarm Category specified by Name.

5 – Reopen a format. If the format name already exists, it will reopen with the specified format template. Otherwise, a new format will open.

Return Value

The format template handle, or -1 if the format cannot be created.

Related Functions



FmtSetField(hFmt,"Name", "CV101");
FmtSetField(hFmt,"Desc","Raw Coal Conveyor");
Str =FmtToStr(hFmt);
! Str will contain "CV101 Raw Coal Conveyor".
FmtOpen("0", "", 2);
! Display Format from Alarm Category 0
FmtOpen("0", "", 3);
! Summary Format from Alarm Category 0.

See Also

Format Functions

Published June 2018