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Map Functions

Map functions allow for values to be associated with keys within the map.

As the handle to a map (or map name) is a string, it can be stored either as a key or as a value in another map, therefore maps can be used to create arbitrarily complex data structures.

By treating a map as being equivalent to an “instance” of an “object” in an “object-oriented” language, it is possible to achieve a simplified object oriented programming style. This can be done by passing the map name as a parameter to the “object’s” functions.

The keys in the map are case sensitive and are ordered alphabetically as can be observed by sequentially discovering each key in the map (using MapKeyFirst and MapKeyNext). The alphabetic ordering is not lexicographic ordering and only determines a repeatable order for a given set of keys.

Following are Map functions:


Create a new or open an existing map.

MapClear Clear all entries in a map.


Deletes a previously created map.


Check if the map exists using a returned error code.


Retrieves the number of keys in a map.


Delete a key and its value from a map.


Check if a key exists in a map.


Retrieves the first key in a maps so that all the keys in a map can be discovered.


Retrieves the next key after the supplied key in a map so that all the keys in a map can be discovered.


Retrieves the value from a key in a map.


Sets the value of a key in a map.


Sets the quality of a value in a map.

See Also

Published June 2018