Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > SQL Functions > SQLBeginTran


Starts a database transaction. When you make a transaction, your changes are not written to the database until you call the SQLCommit() function. Alternatively, you can use the SQLRollBack() function to discard all changes made during the transaction.

After you begin a transaction, you need to call either SQLCommit() to save the changes or SQLRollBack() to discard the changes. You need to use one of these functions to complete the transaction and release all database locks.

A single database connection can only handle one transaction at a time. After you call SQLBeginTran(), you need to complete that transaction before you can call SQLBeginTran() again.

If you disconnect from a database while a transaction is active (not completed), the transaction is automatically "rolled back" any changes you made to the database in that transaction are discarded.

You do not need to begin a transaction to modify a database. Any changes you make to a database before you call the SQLBeginTran() are automatically committed, and no database locks are held.

The SQLBeginTran() function is not supported by all databases. If the function is not performing as you expect, check that both your database and/or DB provider support transactions. Refer to the documentation for your database for more information on transactions.

This function is a blocking function and should not be called from a foreground task.




The handle to the DB connection object, returned from either SQLCreate() or SQLConnect() function. The handle identifies the DB connection object where details of the associated SQL connection are stored.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error code, call the SQLErrMsg function).

Related Functions

SQLCommit, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLEnd, SQLErrMsg, SQLExec, SQLFieldInfo, SQLGetField, SQLInfo, SQLNext, SQLNoFields, SQLNumChange, SQLRollBack, SQLTraceOff, SQLTraceOn


/* Increase each employee's salary and superannuation by a
specified amount. If any errors occur, the changes are aborted */
PayIncrease(STRING sIncrease)
INT Count1;
INT Count2;
hSQL = SQLConnect("DRV=QEDBF");
SQLExec(hSQL, "UPDATE C:\DATA\EMPLOYEE SET Salary = Salary + " +sIncrease);
Count1 = SQLNumChange(hSQL);
SQLExec(hSQL, "UPDATE C:\DATA\EMPLOYEE SET Super = Super + " +sIncrease);
Count2 = SQLNumChange(hSQL);
IF Count1 = Count2 THEN

See Also

SQL Functions

Published June 2018