Cicode Programming Reference > Cicode Function Categories > SQL Functions > SQLParamsSetAsReal


Adds or replaces a parameterized query's parameter and its value in the specified connection. The value of the parameter is given as a real.

Each database provider (Odbc, OleDb, SQL Server) uses parameterized queries in a different way. It is recommended that you look at documentation and examples included with your database.

This function is a blocking function and should not be called from a foreground task.

Building queries from pieces (SQLSet, SQLAppend) or adding parameters to either queries or connections (SQLParam functions) requires a few calls to respective CiCode functions. If a few functions try to manipulate the same connection in the same time some conflicts and unintended operations may occur. It is a typical multithreading problem.

To avoid this, instead of manipulating connections, consider using locally created and locally disposed queries. For example:

//locally created query
int hStmt = SQLQueryCreate(hConnection);

//Set the query
SQLSet(hStmt, "select * from TAB where NAME=@Name");

//Add parameters to the query
SQLParamsSetAsString(hStmt, "Name", "Aaa");

//Execute the query
SQLGetRecordset(hStmt, "");

//the locally created query is disposed


SQLParamsSetAsReal(hSQL, ParamName, ParamValue)


The handle to the DB connection object, returned from either SQLCreate() or SQLConnect() function. The handle identifies the DB connection object where details of the associated SQL connection are stored.


The name of the parameter to add or change.


The value of the parameter as a real.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error number is returned. (For details of the 307 error code, call the SQLErrMsg function).

Related Functions

SQLSet, SQLAppend, SQLExec, SQLGetRecordset, SQLCall, SQLGetScalar, SQLEnd, SQLParamsSetAsInt, SQLParamsSetAsReal, SQLParamsSetAsString, SQLParamsClearAll


See SQLParamsSetAsInt

See Also

SQL Functions

Published June 2018